
Dear Community

Over the weekend, we watched the violent, hate-driven acts that took place in Charlottesville and on the University of Virginia campus. Focus: HOPE stands united against the kind of hatred and racism that gave rise to these acts, and we offer our prayers and our deepest condolences to the families and communities directly affected by these appalling acts of terror and intimidation.

We strongly condemn the racist, hate-filled ideology used by white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups to attack and instill fear in our fellow citizens. This ideology, and the sort of hate speech that it produces, are and will continue to be a central part of what we are working to combat here at Focus: HOPE. In a community where all people strive to live together in freedom, harmony, trust and affection, there is simply no room for hate mongering or for the kind of veiled threats against the marginalized that we heard over the weekend.

At Focus: HOPE, we have a special responsibility to seek the truth and build understanding between groups and across different perspectives for ALL the members of our community, our region, and our nation. In the face of these threats, we must redouble our efforts to work together to build understanding and address racism and injustice on a daily basis.

“We all should know that diversity makes for a rich tapestry, and we must understand that the threads of the tapestry are equal in value no matter what their color.” – Maya Angelou

Join us at our Eleanor’s Walk for HOPE & 5k Run on October 8, 2017, as we take a stand against these hate-filled, weak attempts of intimidation. We will be coming together as one community to walk for social justice, unity and the celebration of diversity.

Register to support and unite with your community by clicking here.

Your Friends,

Focus: HOPE

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